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High pressure oil pump mechanical seal aggregate
Join time: 2019/7/27 10:45:17   Click: 1018
       High pressure oil pump mechanical seal aggregate and pump drainage and return chute has reasonable design, is a gear in the work under torque force is small, so the bearing load is small, wear small, pump with high efficiency. Pump is equipped with safety valve as overload protection, the total reflux pressure relief valve is rated pump out pressure of 1.5 times, also can allow discharge pressure range according to actual needs and adjust. But note that this cannot be a long-term work pressure reducing valve, relief valve can be installed in the piping shall be separately when necessary.
       To pump from the main shaft overhang end to see, for clockwise.
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LiHeng Hydraulic
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All rights reserved:Huaian Liheng Hydraulic Machinery CO., LTD   Contact:Mr. Wang
Tel:0517-84996211   Fax:0517-84918011   E-mail:wanyimin59@aliyun.com
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